Stourport Choral has around 50 members of all ages and abilities, we always welcome potential new members so please feel free to come to any of our rehearsals which are held at Areley Kings Village Hall, Stourport on Severn, DY13 0NB, each Wednesday starting at 7.30pm. You will be able to join in the rehearsal or just listen if you prefer and are welcome to come and sing with us for several weeks before making up your mind whether or not you want to join.
There are no formal auditions and no need to be able to read music, but some knowledge/experience of singing is always helpful; most of the music we use is provided as part of a moderate annual subscription.
We generally perform concerts 3 times a year ranging from popular and modern to classical, opera, sacred music. The choir is a registered charity so we also offer our services free of charge for charitable events, however there is no obligation to take part in any concerts or events if you just want to come and sing at rehearsals.
David Oakley

Founder of Stourport Choral and Operatic Society, more recently known as Stourport Choral
® Registered Charity Number 702564
Member of NODA

Stourport Choral